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The pros and cons of working from home or renting a room for therapists

It can be awfully difficult to find a suitable room for your business, no matter if you are a massage therapist, a psychotherapist or a nutritionist. How would one decide as to which room is suitable and if it does make sense at all to rent?

You might have questions about the membership fee, the location of the room, the atmosphere and equipment of the space and of course about the terms of use.

Many of you will say, well, there are so many things to think about, I’d rather work from home then. Working from your home does bring some benefits of course, as you don’t need any agreements, checking of schedules or of course paying for the use of the working space.

But, as nice as working from home sounds, there are some really important things to consider, because your clients will definitely shape their opinion about you and your business based on the following:

  • Does the therapy room looks professional
  • Does it make clients feel comfortable and relaxed enough to participate in the session
  • Do the clients feel welcome and well taken care of

Think about how you shape your opinion about someone or a service

Especially when you are just starting your business it’s of utmost importance to think about the first impression your future clients will get. What do you want them to feel when they step into your space? What should their first thought be? For sure the room needs to be quite and not allow any disruption in form of loud noises or even people entering the room.

Let’s see what the things are to take into account when you decide about where you want to run your business.-

  • Welcome area

As we said before, the first impression is the most important one. If there is a nice person waiting for your client to welcome them, maybe even offer a tea or water, they will feel comfortable immediately and enjoy sitting down while waiting for you to invite them in. You have to remember that depending on your area of expertise, some people might be a bit anxious of going to a therapist, so a nice area before entering the actual therapy room could help clients relax faster.

  • Noise is annoying

You need to avoid any kind of noise disruption at any time during the session. Surely you have noticed at home already that good soundproofing cannot be guaranteed just like that, so making sure a room is soundproof can cost quite some money. With rented rooms or meeting spaces this could be one worry less, as many of them already come with this particular equipment. There is quite some work behind making a room really pleasant and to ensure that sound is being absorbed. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of the therapy session and your client cannot relax because of noises in the neighbouring rooms or the fear that someone will suddenly open the door, which can happen if the therapist works from home for example.

  • The eye candy

To make a working space look professional yet inviting and cosy, can be quite some undertaking. When renting a therapy room, you can choose from pre-decorated spaces with the design style you like most.

  • Business mingling

While sharing a room with other consultants, personal coaches and alternative medicine practitioners, this could mean you get to know potential new customers or partners for a business collaboration.

  • Staying connected

Professionally equipped working spaces usually come with a fast and stable connection, which can ensure a successful high-quality online therapy session.

There still might be some hesitation …
Usually, when you think about renting a space, the first thing that comes to your mind is obligations. This means you need to sign a contract and decide for how long you want to rent, plus the rent stays no matter how many clients you have or how much income you make. With this in mind, you probably cannot focus on the quality of the therapy and it might get stressful for you. The news about platforms which offer working spaces that you can book per hour, bring a lot of relief to the therapists, coaches and consultants. This flexibility enables you to really get the most out of your income, while investing more time into generating business and acquiring more clients.

Sometimes it might happen, that professionals working from home get extremely lonely and they really crave some company of other coaches, massage therapists, medical practitioners or psychotherapists. Renting a room also makes you part of something bigger, like some kind of a community and you get to know other professionals, like you. Thus, you can go out much more, take part in events, maybe create new business models with co-therapists, or just make new friends. Going out, while still enjoying comfort and productiveness, can open up a whole new world for you. 

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Make the most out of empty spaces and offices with renting out

When you hear the words »rent out« and »space sharing«, you probably think of coworking spaces, where freelancer can rent offices or spaces. Probably you think that those have to be some special kind of spaces that are being rented out.

Exactly now is the time where flexibility has become even more important, companies and entrepreneurs have to change the way they think and adapt tu the current circumstances.

Maybe also your business is greatly affected by the current crisis and you have to find a way not to let your offices and spaces stand empty. It might be that many of your employees are working from home which means that a lot of spaces and offices, which have been previously used on a daily basis, are now empty. But the costs for rent or maintanance remain. What could one do to bring those spaces alive again and to make sure the costs are covered, or even making profit? 
There are many experts whose work relies on one on one sessions, like therapists, coaches or consultants. They are working remotely online now, but they will want to return to those individual sessions as soon as the situation improves. Because a part of their work will still be done online, they will not want to commit and rent or purchase whole offices or therapy rooms. The idea of space sharing therefore gains a lot of sympathy, because you need to pay the space really only when you need and use it. This saves costs for the tenant and also enables the landlord a flexible renting strategy, where there is no need to commit to just one client, but instead the empty spaces can be utilized to the maximum with the help of space sharing.  
The offices and spaces, which are now not being used and which due to a modified work process organization might not be used as much as before in the future, can bring you quite some income. The important thing is that you need to think about the needs of your potential tenants and adapt your spaces to them. This means that if you want to successfully rent out your spaces and offices, you need to think about all the furniture and equipment that for example a therapist would need, or the atmosphere that would be needed for a cozy and pleasant session, without noise or other disruptions. 
Opti.Space enables flexibility to utilize your spaces to the maximum and still use them when you need them. Instead of renting your offices out to just one client, you can rent them out per hour or per week, which doesn’t bring you only additional income but also minimizes the potential loss of last minute cancellations. This way you can put your available office or space quickly online and enable last minute bookings. Opti.Space offers a simple renting out process and a perfectly maximized use of your offices and spaces.

Opti.Space Slovenia

How automation software makes the process of sharing a therapy room easier, quicker and stress-free

Sharing a therapy room can be a great way to cover overheads and even create a profit. 

Especially in this day and age, a lot of therapists are facing a reduced number of appointments or they transferred a part of their business online. Their well-being rooms are often empty and renting them out is one of the best solutions, even if it’s only for an hour at a time, a few hours, or a week. 

However, a lot of them are reluctant to share their space with other therapists simply because they know how much work and time it requires.

Just imagine what you would need to do to get renters and also ensure smooth managing and administrative processes. You would need to build a website, make several phone calls, answer tons of emails, and maybe even spend some money on advertising. Also, billing your renters would take up so much of your time. Honestly, dynamically sharing one therapy room with more than three people can become extremely complicated.

Let’s face it, most therapists and healers don’t want to become administrators for other therapists. They want to focus on their clients, do the job they love, and grow their business.

The good news is that it’s possible to do both! You can focus on your business and rent out your space without wasting your precious time. The solution is a software system that automates the sharing of spaces. The Opti.Space platform is a big game-changer in the shared use of therapy space. We created it because we understand the challenges and opportunities in renting out therapy rooms.

We thought about everything. This software enables sharing therapy rooms and well-being spaces among 10 professionals or even more. 

The best thing about this platform is that it provides an excellent user experience. It’s easy to learn and understand, and it won’t take up a lot of your time. 

You won’t have to worry about dealing with reservations of space because they are automated and synced with calendars and information about space availability. Cancellations are also automated. Also, we have a unique closed ecosystem of reservations and users. Once a therapy room is fully booked by an existing circle of customers, it can go into “invisible mode” for others but current users continue to use it in our system.

Billing is also managed automatically, either monthly or immediately, therefore customers don’t have to manually prepare billing for every time they use the flexible therapy space.

All you have to do is create a profile of your therapy room, write a detailed description, and some general information (how to access it, where to get the key…), upload attractive photographs of your space, and decide on a competitive price.

After that, your only duty is to share the available dates and hours. 

The rest is taking care of it. Soon you will get new customers and your space will start creating income or even profit. 

You will still use your therapy room every time you want but at the same time, you will get rid of some financial burden.

We assure you, Opti.Space is a great platform that will help you populate your therapy room with some fantastic therapists. 

(So)Uporaba terapevtskih prostorov rešuje mala podjetja

Živimo v zelo nepredvidljivem času, ko se vsak dan soočamo s številnimi preizkušnjami. Novi koronavirus je naša življenja čez noč postavil na glavo. Spremenila se je dinamika znotraj družine, izjemno velik vpliv pa ima seveda tudi na poslovanje.

V večini podjetji smo bili primorani spremeniti svoje navade in se odreci številnim ustaljenim poslovnim praksam. Omejili smo srečanja v živo in se začeli pogovarjati preko videokonferenc. Kljub dejstvu, da ima takšen način komunikacije kar nekaj prednosti, obstajajo številni poklici, ki svojih storitev v celoti ne morejo opravljati v virtualnem svetu. Nekateri terapevti, zdravilci, maserji in svetovalci še vedno potrebujejo varen prostor za svoje delo.

Kaotična situacija, v kateri smo se znašli, je povzročila strah med ljudmi. Posledično je povpraševanj za terapevtske storitve manj, kar zelo ogroža likvidnost podjetji. Mnogi se odločajo za drastične korake, kot je zapiranje svojih prostorov. Takšne odločitve so po eni strani razumljive, a v večini primerov nepotrebne.

Obstaja namreč čudovita in praktična rešitev, ki bo razveselila vse, ki želite še naprej uporabljati svoj terapevtski prostor, poskrbeti za poslovno rast in se znebiti finančnih težav.


Videokonference so za namen sestankovanj odlična izbira. Prihranimo čas, denar in zmanjšamo svoj ogljični odtis. Če pa se ukvarjamo z alternativno medicino, masažno terapijo ali terapevtskimi storitvami, je osebni stik nepogrešljiv. Enako velja za psihoterapijo in svetovanje, saj vsi vemo, da je ključ do rednih strank in dobrih rezultatov pridobitev njihovega zaupanja. To je dokazano lažje narediti v živo kot preko zaslona, zato je zares pomembno, da se s strankami še vedno videvamo osebno in varno.


Namesto da bi delali samo za prostor in se odpovedali svojim sanjam, se odločite za souporabo. Pustite sobi, da služi za vas. Neizkoriščen prostor oziroma termine ponudite drugim terapevtom. V souporabo jih lahko ponudite za krajši čas (nekaj ur, dan, teden ) ali pa jih v celoti namenite drugim. Odločitev je samo vaša.

Ponudniku prostora priporočamo, da nove stranke sprejmete v terapevtskem prostoru, z rednim, ki vas že dobro poznajo, pa se dobivate preko videokonferenc in klicev. Na ta način boste naredili tri dobre stvari. Stranki boste pomagali s svojo storitvijo in kreirali prihodke tako z lastnim delom kot tudi z oddajanjem svojega prostora.


Iskanje preverjenih in zaupanje vrednih kupcev vzame zelo veliko časa. Enako velja za organizacijo in načrtovanje terminov. Tega vam ni treba početi, saj vam ponujamo zelo preprosto, učinkovito in cenovno ugodno rešitev. Opti.Space je digitalna platforma, ki vam omogoča dostop do kupcev, ki iščejo prostor za občasno uporabo.

Zaupa nam že več kot 70+ podjetji, saj je naš sistem vrhunski in zagotavlja odlično uporabniško izkušnjo. V platformi je avtomatizirana (so)uporaba prostorov. Vključili smo vse pomembne svari, ki jih boste potrebovali: koledar, razpoložljivost prostorov, rezervacije in odpovedi, komunikacija in obračun. Nad vsem boste imeli nadzor in upravljanje vam bo vzelo zelo malo časa.

Vse, kar morate narediti, je poskrbeti za privlačen in natančen opis prostora, konkurenčno ceno, lepe fotografije in razpoložljive termine. V nekaj minutah bo vaš prostor na voljo kupcem in kmalu lahko pričakujete skupino terapevtov in svetovalcev, ki ga bodo varno (so)uporabljali z vami.

Za več informacij obiščite našo spletno stran in postanite del naše skupnosti.

Zapomnite si, da svetovni krizi lahko preprečite, da povzroči krizo v poslu. Še vedno lahko odlično opravljate svoje delo, iščete nove stranke in rastete. S pomočjo platforme bo pot do večjih uspehov in finančne stabilnosti občutno lažja.

Če želite izvedeti več o naši platformi in želite dobivati odlične nasvete, se prijavite na naše novičke. Obljubljamo vam samo kakovostno vsebino, ki vam bo zelo koristila.

5 Nasvetov, kako lahko svoj prostor hitro spremenite v vir zaslužka

Imate terapevtsko sobo, ki je ne morete popolnoma izkoristiti? Zdaj lahko služi za vas!

V zadnjem letu se je veliko srečanj preselilo na splet, številni terapevti in svetovalci pa se soočajo z manjšim obsegom dela. Posledično so terapevtske sobe velikokrat prazne, a fiksne stroške je vseeno treba poravnati, kar pogosto vodi v finančno stisko in stres. K sreči obstaja zelo učinkovita rešitev, s katero se boste izognili tovrstnim skrbem.

Svoj terapevtski prostor lahko ponudite v souporabo drugim terapevtom in svetovalcem, kadar ga sami ne uporabljate. Lahko se odločite za eno uro, dan ali pa teden.

Z iskanjem kupcev ne boste izgubili veliko dragocenega časa, če boste uporabljali platformo Opti.Space. Ta nudi avtomatiziran sistem, ki vključuje koledar, razpoložljivost prostora, potrditve, odpovedi in druge ključne procese. Opti.Space vam torej omogoča, da se ne bo treba ukvarjati s samo organizacijo, ampak se boste lahko posvetili svojemu poslu.


Terapevtska soba vam lahko zelo hitro pomaga kreirati prihodke, kar lahko potrdijo številni naši ponudniki. Eden od njih je že v drugem mesecu uporabe doživel preboj, saj je pokril vse stroške in ustvaril dobiček. Od takrat naprej se vsak mesec veseli dobička, ki zdaj znaša že 300 €, in še raste.

Zakaj je soupraba najboljši način za ustvarjanje dobička?

Za primer poglejmo terapevtsko sobo v Ljubljani, ki jo ponudnik daje v klasičen najem za 260 € mesečno.

Če pa ima prostor v souporabi le 2 uri na dan in zanjo zaračuna 7 € na uro (to je tudi konkurenčna cena), je to 70 € na teden in 280 € na mesec.

V primeru, da svoj prostor odda za 4 ure na dan, ima samo zaradi sobe 560 € prihodka mesečno. V tem izračunu smo upoštevali le delovne dni, vsi pa vemo, da se terapije in svetovanja izvajajo tudi konec tedna.

Prednost souporabe prostora je tudi dejstvo, da če vam najem odpove en kupec, lahko izgubite 7 €, če bi oddajali samo enemu kupcu cel mesec, pa bi tvegali izgubo celomesečne najemnine.

Tudi vi lahko doživite takšen uspeh, a najprej morate kupce prepričati, da je vaša soba tisto, kar iščejo. To lahko storite:


Zagotovo boste dobili več povpraševanj z urejeno in lepo terapevtsko sobo. Poskrbite, da bo pohištvo čisto in ohranjeno. Vidno naj bo, da je pohištvo namenjeno terapevtom in svetovalcem. Zaželeno je, da terapevtska soba vsebuje kavč ali pa fotelja z mizico, komodo, rože in kakšno lepo fotografijo oziroma sliko. Z malimi spremembami in simpatičnimi detajli lahko ustvarite čudovit in udoben prostor, ki bo privabil kupce.

Prednost pred drugimi boste imeli, če soba vključuje masažno mizo, ali pa nudi dovolj prostora zanjo.


Izjemno pomembno je, da uporabite kakovostne fotografije. Z zamegljenimi in slabimi boste izgubili zanimanje strank. Pred fotografiranjem sobo uredite in poskrbite, da se bodo videle vse njene prednosti. Predlagamo, da dodate še kakšen šopek ali prikupno malenkost, s katero boste kupcem sporočili, da vam je pomembno njihovo mnenje in udobje. Kupujemo z očmi, zato morajo biti fotografije lepe in odraz pravega prostora.


Pri opisu bodite natančni, da bodo kupci točno vedeli, kaj terapevtska soba nudi. Poudarite njene koristi in značilnosti ter opišite, za kakšne namene jo lahko uporabljajo. Vključite vse pomembne informacije, ki jih morajo vedeti. Podrobno opišite, kako lahko kupec najhitreje pride do vas, kateri javni prevoz lahko uporabi in kakšno je parkirišče. Odkritost bo zagotovo nagrajena.


Cena igra izjemno pomembno vlogo pri souporabi terapevtske sobe. Raziščite trg in se odločite za konkurenčno ceno. Če bo previsoka, boste takoj odgnali večino kupcev. Naj bo ugodna, da boste zapolnili večino ali pa celo vse proste termine v svoji terapevtski sobi in ustvarili dobiček. Če postavite nižjo ceno, lahko ustvarite visoke prihodke, prazna soba pa seveda ne more delati za vas.


Kupcem omogočite čim bolj prijazen način sodelovanja. Napišite jim preprosta navodila in poskrbite, da bodo ključi in ostale potrebne stvari na voljo vedno, ko jih bodo potrebovali. Predlagamo, da izdelate posebne ključe za kupce. Strošek izdelave lahko nosi kupec, pomembno je le, da ga s tem seznanite ob prvem srečanju in to tudi vključite v pogodbo o koriščenju prostora. Lahko pa za ključe zaračunate kavcijo.

Če bodo kupci imeli dobro izkušnjo brez komplikacij, se bodo raje vračali. Stalnim strankam omogočite mesečno obračunavanje.

Nikoli ne pozabite na pristnost in prijaznost. V zelo kratkem času bo celoten postopek postal preprosta rutina.

Če želite izvedeti več o naši platformi in želite dobivati odlične nasvete, se prijavite na naše novičke. Obljubljamo vam samo kakovostno vsebino, ki vam bo zagotovo koristila.